Sign up for our best deals when you purchase a year long membership! Rates vary depending on the membership tier, below is a breakdown of what you get for each membership type:
Yearly Memberships
Free Summer Sessions (June 21 - Sep 21). $5 Entry for winter months (Sep 21 - June 21).
"Member Mondays". Free sessions every Monday year round!
Stamp Cards. Every 10th session is FREE
$175 annually
BAD DAD Memberships!
Top Tier! Free skating year round! Come and go as you please.
$250 annually

Park Rentals
Tired of getting snaked? Sick of having to share the ramps with unworthy foes?! Well look no further!! Perfect for birthday parties, celebrations, or any other event/gathering that should be celebrated with some good ole' skating! We're here to assist you with whatever you need! You will have full access to the park, chill areas, and really whatever else you need! We can help with catering and also can give lessons or tips with skaters!! Rates vary based on the time of the week and the season, but we are open to adjusting these for special circumstances or needs! Just give us a call and we can work it out!
Rental Rates:
Week Day Rentals (Monday - Thursday). 3 hours of rental time, $250.
Weekend Rentals (Friday - Sunday). 3 hours of rental time, $300.

We offer lessons for Individuals and Groups. All lessons are for 1-hour and include a full day pass after the lesson is complete. Lessons MUST be scheduled ahead of time. Walks are not guaranteed to be available the day of. See below for additional details:
Lesson Duration: 1-hour
Price for Members: 20$
Price for Non-Members: 30$
Must be Scheduled Online in Advance
Click Below to Schedule!
Winter Hours / Rates:
Sep 21 - June 21
M - Thu Noon - 8pm
Fri - Sat Noon - 9pm
Sunday Noon - 8pm
Bad Dad: Free!
Members: $5 per session
Non-Members: $10 per session
M - F Noon- 8pm
SAT 12pm - 8pm
SUN 12pm - 7pm
Summer Sessions:
June 21 - Sep 21
Members Free!
Non-Members $10
Membership Rates:
Membership: $175 each
Bad Dad Membership: $250 each
Lesson Rates:
Members Lessons: $20
Non-Members Lessons: $30
Call ahead to book 603-948-1173
All lessons are 1 hour and can be scheduled day of or in advance.
If you call the day of, we request you give a minimum 2 hours notice of when you'd like to arrive.
*Note all lessons come with a full day pass (Members/NonMembers)
Park Rental Rates:
Weekdays 3 hour rental: $250
Weekend 3 hour rental: $300
IMPORTANT!!! We require 1 weeks notice to rent the park. Half the rental amount is due when you reserve the spot and is non-refundable. The other half is due the day you come.
Allowable Activites
- Skateboarding
- Rollerblading
No Scooters, Sorry